I. Samma ditthi...... Perfect view
dukkhe nana...... understanding suffering
dukkhasamudaye nana...... understanding its origin
dukkhanirodhe nana...... understanding its cessation
dukkhanirodhagaminipatipadaya nana...... understanding the way leading to cessation
II. Samma sankappa...... Perfect aspiration
nekkhamma-sankappa...... renunciation-based thinking
abyapada-sankappa...... non aversion-based thinking
avihimsa-sankappa...... nonviolence-based thinking
III. Samma vaca...... Perfect speech
musavada veramani...... abstaining from false speech
pisunaya vacaya veramani...... abstaining from discrediting speech
pharusaya vacaya veramani...... abstaining from harsh speech
samphappalapa veramani...... abstaining from idle chatter
IV. Samma kammanta...... Perfect deeds
panatipata veramani...... abstaining from killing
adinnadana veramani...... abstaining from stealing
kamesu micchacara veramani...... abstaining from sexual misconduct
V. Samma ajiva...... Perfect livelihood
miccha ajivam pahaya...... giving up wrong livelihood
samma ajivena jivitam kappeti...... one earns one's living by a right form of livelihood
VI. Samma vayama...... Perfect exertion
samvarappadhana...... the mindset to restrain defilements
pahanappadhana...... the mindset to abandon defilements
bhavanappadhana...... the mindset to develop wholesome states
anurakkhanappadhana...... the mindset to maintain wholesome states
VII. Samma sati...... Perfect notification
kayanupassana...... contemplation of the body
vedananupassana...... contemplation of feelings
cittanupassana...... contemplation of the mind
dhammanupassana...... contemplation of phenomena
VIII. Samma samadhi...... Perfect concentration
pathamajjhana...... the first jhana
dutiyajjhana...... the second jhana
tatiyajjhana...... the third jhana
catutthajjhana...... the fourth jhana
In old time, Dhamma Cakka being portrayed like a chariot wheel, because it is the closest image to people at that time, but Dhamma cakka doesn't have to look like a chariot wheel. Today's Dhamma Cakka must be portrayed in the most modern mind can feel comfortable about it. Its important to get people comfortable to a teaching so they want to learn buddhism. Its not a form of sedative method, but we just have to bring the teaching of Buddha into today;s mind, like what Buddha said, "heir of my teaching, not my belongings."