Saturday, August 11, 2012

The Practice of Perfection

Buddhism is not about running away from reality of life, but its the supreme way to avoid suffering of life. Spiritualists take a bit of this and that from various religions and apply only basic satipatthana like kayanupassana.
Vedananupassana cannot be applied by laymen because it has purpose to be emotionless.
Cittanupassana also cannot be applied by laymen because it has purpose to cease desires (human needs desire to grow).
Dhammanupassana definetely cannot be applied cause its when insight blend with meditation and has purpose to reach Nibbana.

If someone does precepts and moralities, he lives as a good man, wise man. Not Buddha.
If someone remove his illusion (like and dislike) he lives real life. Not Buddha.
If someone remove his self. Mastering non-self awareness, he lives in emptiness. Not Buddha.

Three scope of practices must be done (not just one or two) to be liberated:

1. Practice that happen inside the mind (or when mind still think he is the subject).
"when you walk just walk, when you eat just eat", said Zen. This is satisampajana or mindfulness. this practice is being done by watching anything without owning.

2. Practise that happen outside the mind (or when mind think there is object).
"And what, FOR A MONK, IS NOT HIS PROPER RANGE and is the territory of others? The five strands of sensuality; forms, sounds, aromas, flavors, tactile sensations." - Makkata Sutta.
Monks only eat necessary food. They don't eat or drink for flavor, they don't hear for the sounds, they don;t touch for the sensations, etc. In short put, a monk will not touch any objects that can bring happiness to him. If he knows that object will give happiness to him, he will not touch it.

3. Practice that happen between inside and outside mind (high practice that only can be done by Anagami magga, anagami phala, arahant magga, and arahant phala).
""Herein, Bahiya, you should train yourself thus: 'In the seen will be merely what is seen; in the heard will be merely what is heard; in the sensed will be merely what is sensed; in the cognized will be merely what is cognized" - Bahiya Sutta.
It can be in the form of cittanupassana or anapasati combined with cittanupassana.

In the first practice, a monk try to not own experience.
In the second practice, a monk try to remove his self.
And in the third practice, a monk try to peeling his consciousness by emptying all ideas (sanskara) everytime they speak.

Inside mind illusion happens when the monk like his jhana.
Outside mind illusion happens when the monk attached to knowledge. He see Dhammas and reside on them, not using them as raft.
Sannavedayitanirodha (jhana 9, the ceasing of feelings and perception)is what Buddha taught to recluse Bahiya. The result of that attainment or Arahant Phala are:
a. Dhammakaya (automatic activities of noble path when the action change become bliss), when he still in Nibbana with residue of his body.
b. Unborn and no more suffering when he is in Nibbana without residue of his body.

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